Clients target Our activity Clients
Visualisation of the product program via iPad app Detail requirements, program choice, concept development, execution Manufacturer of pump components
Operation explanation of a heating system using a film for traid fairs and the internet Exchange of ideas, story board, drawing editing, making of the film Systemprovider of heating components
Illustration of the unique features benchmark, concept development, creation of the brochure, trade fair wall and advertisement Manufacturer of antifreeze fluids
Planning instruction to support construction material sellers Investigation, concept, content, diagrams, graphics, composition and execution Manufacturer of building material and solar systemprovider
Assembling instructions concept, content, drawing and graphic editing, translation and execution, organisation for printing Manufacturer of water tanks, pipe systems, mountings and systemprovider
Target customer oriented brochure with function explanation concept, content, drawing and graphic editing, translation and execution, organisation for printing Manufacturer of wood cogeneration plants
Product documents, Data sheets concept, text and content recommendation, execution, organisation for printing Manufacturer and provider of renewable heat
Datanorm-data definition data type, editing the source data, compile data Manufacturer of wood fierplaces